The chancellor of University of Thi-Qar, Prof.
Kamal Hamid Al-Yasiri, attended the activities of the 7th International Spring Medical Conference for Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology, which was organized in cooperation with the College of Medicine at University of Thi-Qar, Al-Rabiaa Al-Ahli Hospital for Heart Diseases, the College of Medicine at Al Ayen Private University and the Iraqi Heart and Chest Association. The conference witnessed the presence of the Vice-Chancellors of the University, the Chairman of the Committee of Deans of the Faculties of Medicine in Iraq, the Dean of the College of Medicine at University of Thi-Qar, and the First Deputy Governor of Thi Qar, in addition to a wide participation of doctors specializing in cardiology and catheter intervention from inside and outside Iraq, and cardiology centers from various governorates of Iraq, and with the support of medical faculties in the governorate. The conference sessions included a discussion of 40 scientific papers distributed over eight scientific sessions, dealing with the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in adults, pediatric cardiology, vascular diseases of the upper and lower limbs, and heart surgery. The conference also reviewed the latest scientific research in this field, which will reflect positively on the health reality and medical services, especially in Thi Qar governorate. At the end of the events, the Chancellor of the University expressed his thanks and appreciation to all those in charge of the success of the conference, praising its importance as a specialized scientific platform that allows researchers, academics and specialists to discuss medical developments, wishing the participants continued success .


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